Who's Hardy Hasenfuss?
by Steve Harry
An official from one MERS municipality has told me of his concern that "MERS may be being administered not so much in accordance with the best interest of its members as it is to the specific economic benefit of its management staff and vendors." One questionable MERS expenditure has been for consulting services provided by Hardy Hasenfuss of New London International Consulting Services (website). In response to a Freedom of Information request, MERS provided me a list, by year, of all payments made to Mr. Hasenfuss in the years 2000-2004. There may be more payments for 2004, because the list was prepared before the end of the year (about 12/9/04). The totals are below. Click here to see the detail as provided by MERS.
2000   26,601.52
2001   18,540.00
2002   42,342.97
2003   14,950.00
2004   23,345.00

5-year Total


Anne Wagner calls Hardy her "leadership coach", but he provides services to other staff as well.  In the fall of 2002, Anne asked all staff to participate - on a voluntary basis - in a "behavior assessment" or "personality profile" process conducted by Hardy.  This consisted of taking 2 short, self-administered online tests, then discussing the results over the phone with Hardy. Here is her memo. And there was this memo from Deb Peake.

Later that fall, Hardy conducted an all-day, in-house staff retreat. He also interviews prospective employees to make sure they will be a good fit at MERS. Hardy is located in New London, New Hampshire, so most of his coaching is by phone.